A Peculiar Dream

I had a strange dream last night. I'll preface it by saying that I found a weird semi-circle shaped scar on the back of my left collarbone recently which had me wondering whether or not I have been getting abducted by extraterrestrials.

It started at a track meet that was apparently being conducted by Jedis. The chick that came in last caught my eye so me and her started talking. Next thing you know, we're being attacked by Imperials and I wind up chucking some kind of spears through a walker, perhaps killing the occupants. We wind up captured and taken to some facility where we are being conditioned to become Sith. It wasn't just Jedis there though, it was Jedis and Sith. I take up the offer to become a Sith acolyte and they give me some compact but incredibly heavy blaster or gun that I lug around the other prisoners, keeping an eye on them. One of the other prisoners is either Alexander SkarsgÄrd or the marine he portrays in Generation Kill - for some reason I couldn't tell.

It turns out that the Jedis that were holding out and refusing to become Sith were being fed, one at a time, to some bizarre four-legged creature with a semi-circle shaped mouth and no eyes. It resembled a praying mantis in how it moved but had a brownish-red texture to its skin. The small scar behind my left collarbone is also shaped like a semi-circle, as if I had been bitten by a younger, smaller creature just like the ones the Jedi were being fed to. I wound up using my weapon in the facility, shooting down a prisoner that tried to escape I think but I'm not sure because it's so fuzzy. I had decided to use my position as a Sith to try to break out the other prisoners but I'm not sure how it all ended. I was never able to pull off a breakout because I woke up shortly after I used my weapon.

The weirdest thing about the dream was that at some point it was explained to me that I'm in the Navy now. I don't know when in the dream it was said to me or any other sensory information but someone made a deliberate point of making sure that I know that I'm part of the Navy now. They didn't tell me my rank, give me a uniform or anything like that. I've never had a message widely dispersed throughout a dream like that before and it's pretty strange how I couldn't point to a specific chronological time in the dream where it was told to me.



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