A Real War

If the American military were ever put into a real war against a qualified opponent, they would crumble under the pressure of a full-spectrum military conflict. In every war that the United States has fought since the Vietnam War, the American soldier has fought with a preponderance of logistical, technological and numerical advantages. Even in Vietnam... Americans lost as they could not control the violence of action that Maoist guerrilla warfare theory exudes. The Vietnamese won in spite of a deficit of resources, air power and munitions. If the American military can be undone by ragtag proletarians practicing Maoist guerrilla war, what happens when they square up against well-equipped practitioners of Maoist military theory?

What if the Maoist guerrilla can call upon their own electronic warfare resources, their own air support, their own cutting-edge technology? It is said that the United States did not lose the Vietnam War in the field. This is a lie. The United States fled from Vietnam in a disorder best manifested by the mobs that surrounded the last helicopters to leave Saigon. American military theory has no definitive answer to Mao’s system. If the United States military cannot handle Maoist guerrilla war against a popular opponent... where does that buck stop? The American military lost Vietnam psychologically before they lost militarily. Since Vietnam, American educational infrastructure has only gotten worse. The American soldier may be physically strong, well-trained and disciplined... but their educational backbone is missing. Whereas the Maoist guerrilla spends a great deal of time being educated by their leadership in philosophical virtue... the American soldier receives no such erudition.

The American people, as demonstrated by this most recent election, are torn between insincere, superficial reform and selfish, racist greed. The American people, in my experience, are overwhelmingly cowards that hide from hard truths, futile fights, and public speaking. This is due to the sapping of resources from our educational infrastructure to streamline our military, sate the appetite of war-profiteers, and render the American citizen a simple-minded cash cow. The American citizen is unwilling to continue to fight in a contest that they will lose. Sometimes, you get dealt a losing hand and must bite the bullet. The appreciation of that idea is absent from the mind of the American. The average American citizen is not a patriot; they are livestock, chattel that endeavor to deftly avoid any attempt to escape the slaughterhouse’s holding pen. Mooing in displeasure at their current predicament while shuffling away from the bulls that might make a breach in the electrified fence. Those same cows constitute the American military.

When Russia invaded Georgia in 2008, they found the resistance a semi-qualified opponent offered them to be much greater than expected and found it incredibly difficult to advance while maintaining logistical continuity. If the Georgian military can offer such resistance to a superpower like Russia, what can we infer about the American military’s own actual combat effectiveness in a total war? If the American soldier lost the war in Vietnam psychologically before they lost it militarily, then the psychological fortitude of the American soldier must be even worse today, given the educational cesspool that Americans are expected to come of age in. The other military powers of the world adequately fund their educational systems and are arguably more competitive than the United States. American television ads are replete with commercials for Crohn’s disease, schizophrenia and other medical disorders. The American food service industry has perhaps been as perfidious as the pharmaceutical and educational industry at sabotaging the American soldier’s fighting ability.

Perhaps the American military really is full of dead-eye naturals that are immune to the institutional cowardice germinated into the American citizenry. Perhaps we did lose in Vietnam just because of the anti-war movement. Perhaps our educational system is not crumbling as we pump hundreds of billions into a global military presence. Perhaps the American military is unaffected by the poisons pumped into our food, water, and pharmaceuticals. Perhaps the American military really could win a war when the lights go out, when there’s no reinforcements on the horizon, and when no one can hear you scream.

And maybe rewarding selfish, cowardly, chicken-hawking misanthropes for their greed has begotten successive generations of craven, poisoned livestock that moo for want of the language to articulate their abject servitude. Just maybe.


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